Monday, February 1, 2010

45th and Noriega

Just moved into my new place last night! Mom said it was a bad idea, but once you're done reading this, you'll see that I just couldn't pass it up. So I got back from roller derby yesterday and packed up all my stuff for the move. M came over to help and brought me some boxes to pack in. We loaded up her car really quick, and got to here around 9pm. Two of my three roommates were here, and ready to help me move all my boxes from the car to my room. They gave me a key, and we chatted for a while before they both hit the hay (they both work pretty early in the morning).

The roommates are Chris, Erik, and Jay. They are all in their late 20s (I'm guessing, haven't asked specifically yet). Anyhow, Chris is a surfer (great cause this house is 2 blocks from the beach). Erik is a musician, and there's a music room in the garage (photo below)!! His band is coming to practice tonight (they do this once a week), and he said that I could jam with them if I want.

I don't know much about Jay yet, I think he's the one that's a social worker, but that could be one of the other guys. It's hard to keep all of their various attributes straight seeing as I've only hung out with them once (and then for a few minutes last night). They're all great though, good vibes.

So here's a preliminary picture of my room:

Obviously, it's not all set up yet. I haven't even moved my bed here yet, but alas! there was a fold out couch just begging to be slept upon. So, I did. My room is a lot bigger than my old one. It has this awesome couch, a coffee table, a dresser, and a cute little lamp already in it, and plenty more room for my bed and the rest of my stuff (there's a good sized closet too). The picture really doesn't do it justice, I couldn't really find a good angle.

My room is the only one downstairs, next to the garage and the front door. Then, as you walk up the stairs there are a couple other bedrooms, and the kitchen and the living room.

These guys have a great eye for decorating if I do say so myself, and they are CLEAN. Yeah. It's great.

Okay, I know this is getting kind of long, but there are two more things left to write about. And of course, I saved the best 2 for last.
  1. There's an adorable little dog named Mugsie (I'm not sure how to spell it). It was a bit of a challenge trying to take a picture because he was running around so much, but this is the best I could do.
  2. And lastly, but certainly not least is the backyard. It is EPIC and gorgeous. I took a lot of pictures (it's a very photogenic backyard).

Soooo pretty right? There's 4 separate seating areas, with stairs leading up all the way back to the hammock, which is so comfortable (and you can hear the waves crashing from it at night). There's a little barbecue pit which I fully intend on using as soon as possible.

Well, if you haven't already noticed, I am really happy about this move.

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